Iglesia Wesleyana-Am�rica Latina (Global Partners)

P�gina Web: www.wesleyana.org/crea/


Directorio de Centros de Preparaci�n Ministerial, 01 de Enero de 2002


Telf. (phone)* C=Casa (home); O=Oficina(office); F=Fax, CE=Correo Electr�nico(e-Mail)


Iglesia Wesleyana- Misiones Mundiales                        *(Informaci�n adicional)

Am�rica Latina             

Rvdo. Richard (Rick) West, Director

Apartado 5898-1000


Telf. O/F: 506-240-7269

CE: [email protected]



Igreja Evang�lica Wesleyana

Instituto B�blico Wesleyano                                                      Instituto B�blico Wesleyano

Rvdo. Doug Walborn, Director                                                 (direcci�n f�sica)

CP 444, 69011-970                                                                   Rua L � 1, #50

Manaos, AM, BRASIL                                                             Conjunto de AEFAM

Telf. C/F: 55-92-656-9091                                                           Manaos, AM, BRASIL 69048-670

O: 55-92-654-2522                                                                 O: 55-92-654-2522                             

CE: [email protected]   


Para informaci�n contactar [email protected]

 Costa Rica

Iglesia Wesleyana Internacional de Costa Rica

Instituto B�blico Wesleyano

Rvdo. Enrique Brenes, Director

259 metro Sur,  Guardia Asistencia Rural


Telf. C: 506-494-7006

CE: [email protected]



Iglesia Wesleyana

Instituto B�blico Wesleyano     

Rvda. Ruth Strand, Directora          

Apartado 414    

La Ceiba, HONDURAS     

Telf. O/C: 504-442-2923          

F: 504-442-2923

CE: [email protected]



Iglesia Evang�lica �Los Peregrinos�

Instituto B�blico Peregrino

Rvdo. Roberto Ram�rez, Director

Apdo. Postal 462

Puebla, PUE C.P. 72001  MEXICO

Telf: 522-285-4576

CE: [email protected]



Iglesia Wesleyana

Uni�n Cristiana de Panam�

Instituto B�blico Wesleyano

Lic. Aleyda Aquilar, Directora

Apartado 775

Balboa, Anc�n,  PANAMA

Telf. C: 507-226-3250

O: 507-272-4938 F: 507-226-7430

CE:  [email protected]



Iglesia Wesleyana Peregrina

Instituto B�blico Wesleyano                                                       Estar�n en USA del

Rvdo. Gary Wiley, Director                                                   01 de julio de 01 hasta 01 de febrero �02

Apartado 18-0829                                                                 480 West 40th St.

Lima, PERU                                                                                   Holland, MI  49423

Telf. C/F: 511-274-9685                                                                 Telf: 616-392-4346

CE: [email protected]                                                      CE: [email protected]


Puerto Rico

Iglesia Evang�lica Wesleyana de Puerto Rico

Colegio Teol�gico Wesleyano

Rvda. Sarah P�rez, Directora

PO Box 150

Correo Esmeralda

Guaynabo, PUERTO RICO  00969

Telf. O: 787-793-2835

Telf. C: 787-789-7797



Iglesia Wesleyana-El Caribe (Global Partners)

P�gina Web: www.wesleyana.org/crea/


Directorio de Centros de Preparaci�n Ministerial, 01 de Enero de 2002


Telf.=Tel�fono(phone)* C=Casa(home); O=Oficina(office); F=Fax, CE=Correo Electr�nico(e-Mail)


The Wesleyan Church of the Caribbean                        *(Informaci�n alternativa)

Rvdo. Carston Christie, Superintendente General

PO Box 3598

St. John�s, ANTIGUA


Telf. O: 268-560-5258

CE: [email protected]


Caribbean Wesleyan Bible College

Rvdo. J.R. Maxwell Hughes, Presidente

P.O. Box 17, Savanna-la-Mar

Westmoreland, JAMAICA


Telf. O: 876-918-1373

F: 876-955-2825



The Wesleyan Church

Wesleyan Bible College

Dra. Claudette Stephen, Directora

PO Box 10920

(Lot 8, Brickdam, Stabrock)

Georgetown, GUYANA

Telf. C/O: 592-264-630

F: 592-263-932

CE: [email protected]



The Wesleyan Church

Theological Education by Extension, Haiti

Rev. Mathurin

MFI/WES, Box 15665

West Palm Beach, FL  33416  

USA (Haiti)

Telf. O: 509-287-0472

CE contacto: [email protected]



The Wesleyan Church

Wesleyan Bible College

Rvdo. Phillip Davis, Director

ASC Suriname

P.O. Box 02-5567

Miami, FL 33102-5567


CE: [email protected]

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